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Aero Agility: Drop sources, locations, and probabilities


Here is the mission where you can get Aero Agility in Warframe:

  • Jupiter/Ganymede : It's a Disruption mission (level 30-35). The item is dropped on rotation C (10.00%).

Missions with a Chance to Get Aero Agility as a Reward

Planet / Mission Type RotationProbability
Jupiter / Ganymede Disruption C 10.00

Warframe Rotations Explained

  • Disruption: It's a bit complicated for disruptions, as it depends on the current round.
    Here is a table clarifying what you get for each round:
    Round Conduits
    1 2 3 4
    1 A A A B
    2 A A B B
    3 A B B C
    4+ B B C C

    So, rotation C is only available at round 3 for 4 conduits defended. Or at round 4 and more for a minimum of 3 conduits defended.