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Hammer Shot: Drop sources, locations, and probabilities

Missions with a Chance to Get Hammer Shot as a Reward

Planet / Mission Type RotationProbability
- / Nightmare Mode Nightmare A 1.01

Warframe Rotations Explained

  • Nightmare: Rotations are based on the planet for non-rescue missions:
     - Rotation A: Earth, Venus, Mars and Mercury.
     - Rotation B: Phobos, Ceres, Jupiter, Europa, Saturn, Void, Lua, Kuva Fortress and Deimos.
     - Rotation C: Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Eris and Sedna.

    For rescue missions it follows the same pattern as for typical rescue missions, the planet doesn't matter.
    Rescue missions have three levels of rewards depending on different objectives:
     - Rescued hostage.
     - Stealth rescue (no alarm).
     - All wardens killed.
    Rotation C is awarded if all three objectives are achieved. Rotation B for two, and rotation A if you only rescue the hostage.