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Mandonel Receiver: Drop sources, locations, and probabilities


Here are the missions where you can get Mandonel Receiver in Warframe:

  • Deimos/Persto : It's a Survival mission (level 55-60). The item is dropped on rotation C (25.00%).
  • Deimos/Munio : It's a Defense mission (level 55-60). The item is dropped on rotation B (17.50%).
  • Deimos/Cambire : It's a Alchemy mission (level 55-60). The item is dropped on rotation C (16.00%).
These recommendations are based on the usual missions lengths, and the probability of getting the resource dropped.

Missions with a Chance to Get Mandonel Receiver as a Reward

Planet / Mission Type RotationProbability
Deimos / Persto Survival C 25.00
Deimos / Munio Defense B 17.50
Deimos / Cambire Alchemy C 16.00

Warframe Rotations Explained

  • Defense: One reward every 5 waves, following this pattern: AABC.
    So, rotation A reward at 5 and 10 waves, B after 15 waves and C for 20 waves.
    Then it starts all over again.
  • Survival: One reward every 5 minutes, following this pattern: AABC.
    Rotation A at 5 and 10 minutes, B at 15 minutes, C at 20 minutes, etc. Then it starts all over again (25min is rotation A).