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Nitain Extract: Drop sources, locations, and probabilities


There are many ways to get Nitain Extract in Warframe, but my recommendation for optimal efficiency would be to try one of these missions (in this order):

  • Void/Stribog : It's a Sabotage mission (level 20-25). Probability to get it: 6.67%.The item is dropped on rotation C (2.00%).
  • Kuva Fortress/Dakata : It's a Caches mission (level 28-30). The item is dropped on rotation C (2.00%).
  • Sedna/Rusalka : It's a Caches mission (level 32-36). The item is dropped on rotation C (2.00%).
  • Pluto/Cypress : It's a Caches mission (level 34-38). The item is dropped on rotation C (2.00%).
  • Venus/Ishtar : It's a Caches mission (level 6-8). The item is dropped on rotation C (0.67%).
These recommendations are based on the usual missions lengths, and the probability of getting the resource dropped.

Missions with a Chance to Get Nitain Extract as a Reward

Planet / Mission Type RotationProbability
Earth / Cetus Bounty (Level 40 - 50 Ghoul Bounty) Bounty A 3.57
Earth / Cetus Bounty (Level 15 - 25 Ghoul Bounty) Bounty A 3.57
Kuva Fortress / Dakata Caches C 2.00
Void / Stribog Caches C 2.00
Event: Sedna / Phithale Caches C 2.00
Sedna / Rusalka Caches C 2.00
Pluto / Cypress Caches C 2.00
Event: Pluto / Charon Caches C 2.00
Event: Neptune / Halimede Caches C 2.00
Event: Neptune / Thalassa Caches C 2.00
Event: Uranus / Portia Caches C 2.00
Lua / Plato Caches C 1.29
- / Hallowed Flame Endurance Caches - C 1.01
Void / Marduk Caches C 1.01
- / Hallowed Flame Mission Caches - C 1.01
Jupiter / Carpo Caches C 1.00
Ceres / Ker Caches C 1.00
Ceres / Thon Caches C 1.00
Event: Saturn / Pallene Caches C 1.00
Saturn / Calypso Caches C 1.00
Jupiter / Adrastea Caches C 1.00
Event: Mercury / Neruda Caches C 0.67
Venus / Ishtar Caches C 0.67
Mars / Gradivus Caches C 0.67
Mercury / Terminus Caches C 0.67

Warframe Rotations Explained

  • Caches: Number of resource caches opened:
     - Rotation A: one.
     - Rotation B: two.
     - Rotation C: all three.

Mobs Dropping Nitain Extract

Wolf Of Saturn Six 0.13%
Zealoid Prelate 0.13%

Nightwave Offerings

Nitain Extract can be bought from Nightwave offerings.
Please note that some items in the shop are subject to a 7-day rotation, so this item may not necessarily be available currently.