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Polymer Bundle: Drop sources, locations, and probabilities


There are many ways to get Polymer Bundle in Warframe, but my recommendation for optimal efficiency would be to try one of these missions (in this order):

  • Saturn/Cephalon Capture : It's a Conclave mission. The item is dropped on rotation B (12.65%).
  • Saturn/Lunaro Arena : It's a Conclave mission. The item is dropped on rotation B (12.65%).
  • Saturn/Team Annihilation : It's a Conclave mission. The item is dropped on rotation B (12.65%).
  • Saturn/Annihilation : It's a Conclave mission. The item is dropped on rotation B (12.65%).
  • Uranus/Desdemona : It's a Caches mission (level 26-28). The item is dropped on rotation A (20.00%).
These recommendations are based on the usual missions lengths, and the probability of getting the resource dropped.
Only mission rewards are listed here. Enemy drops are not taken into consideration, there might be more efficient options available in some cases.

Missions with a Chance to Get Polymer Bundle as a Reward

Planet / Mission Type Rotation QuantityProbability
Event: Uranus / Prospero Caches A 300 20.00
Uranus / Desdemona Caches A 300 20.00
Event: Uranus / Setebos Caches A 300 20.00
Lua / Plato Caches A 300 12.91
Neptune / Cephalon Capture Conclave B 500 12.65
Ceres / Thon Caches B 300 12.65
Ceres / Ker Caches B 300 12.65
Saturn / (Variant) Annihilation Conclave B 500 12.65
Saturn / (Variant) Team Annihilation Conclave Extra B 500 12.65
Saturn / (Variant) Cephalon Capture Conclave B 500 12.65
Saturn / Lunaro Arena Conclave B 500 12.65
Saturn / Annihilation Conclave B 500 12.65
Event: Mercury / Neruda Caches B 240 12.65
Venus / Ishtar Caches B 240 12.65
Mars / Gradivus Caches B 240 12.65
Jupiter / Adrastea Caches B 300 12.65
Jupiter / Carpo Caches B 300 12.65
Event: Saturn / Pallene Caches B 300 12.65
Saturn / Calypso Caches B 300 12.65
Saturn / Cephalon Capture Conclave B 500 12.65
Saturn / Team Annihilation Conclave B 500 12.65
Mercury / Terminus Caches B 240 12.65

Warframe Rotations Explained

  • Caches: Number of resource caches opened:
     - Rotation A: one.
     - Rotation B: two.
     - Rotation C: all three.

Mobs Dropping Polymer Bundle

This is a region resource that can be dropped by most ennemies on the corresponding planet(s). Consider this as your main farm source.