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Steel Fiber: Drop sources, locations, and probabilities

Steel Fiber is a common mod in Warframe.
It increases a warframe's armor (up to 100% when maxed).


There are many ways to get Steel Fiber in Warframe, but my recommendation for optimal efficiency would be to try one of these missions (in this order):

  • Earth/Everest : It's a Excavation mission (level 1-6). The item is dropped on rotation B (7.69%).
  • Venus/V Prime : It's a Survival mission (level 3-8). The item is dropped on rotation B (7.69%).
  • Venus/Kiliken : It's a Excavation mission (level 3-8). The item is dropped on rotation B (7.69%).
  • Mercury/Apollodorus : It's a Survival mission (level 6-11). The item is dropped on rotation B (7.69%).
  • Earth/Tikal : It's a Excavation mission (level 6-16). The item is dropped on rotation B (7.69%).
These recommendations are based on the usual missions lengths, and the probability of getting the resource dropped.

Missions with a Chance to Get Steel Fiber as a Reward

Planet / Mission Type RotationProbability
Earth / Cetus Bounty (Level 10 - 30) Bounty A 25.00
Event: Phobos / Flimnap Survival B 7.69
Event: Phobos / Wendell Excavation B 7.69
Phobos / Stickney Survival B 7.69
Ceres / Gabii Survival B 7.69
Mercury / Apollodorus Survival B 7.69
Mars / Augustus Excavation B 7.69
Event: Mars / Arcadia Survival B 7.69
Earth / Everest Excavation B 7.69
Earth / Tikal Excavation B 7.69
Venus / Kiliken Excavation B 7.69
Venus / Malva Survival B 7.69
Venus / V Prime Survival B 7.69
Europa / Valefor Excavation B 7.14
Event: Europa / Lillith Excavation B 7.14
Ceres / Draco Survival B 7.14
Phobos / Zeugma Survival B 7.14
Event: Europa / Zagan Survival B 7.14
Jupiter / Cameria Survival B 7.14
Saturn / Piscinas Survival B 7.14
Mars / Wahiba Survival B 7.14
Jupiter / Elara Survival B 7.14
Saturn / Titan Survival B 7.14
Event: Europa / Cryotic Front Excavation B 6.67
Europa / Cholistan Excavation B 6.67
Pluto / Palus Survival B 6.67
Lua / Tycho Survival B 6.67
Kuva Fortress / Taveuni Survival B 6.67
Uranus / Ophelia Survival B 6.67
Event: Uranus / Cupid Survival B 6.67
Pluto / Hieracon Excavation B 6.67
Neptune / Kelashin Survival B 6.67
Neptune / Despina Excavation B 6.67
Event: Eris / Hymeno Survival B 6.67
Uranus / Assur Survival B 6.67
Sedna / Selkie Survival B 6.67
Event: Sedna / Scylla Survival B 6.67
Event: Sedna / Yemaja Survival B 6.67
Sedna / Amarna Survival B 6.67
Eris / Nimus Survival B 6.67

Warframe Rotations Explained

  • Survival: One reward every 5 minutes, following this pattern: AABC.
    Rotation A at 5 and 10 minutes, B at 15 minutes, C at 20 minutes, etc. Then it starts all over again (25min is rotation A).
  • Excavation: One reward after each excavator successfully completed, following this pattern: AABC.
    Rotation A for the first two excavators, rotation B for the third and rotation C after four.
    Then it restarts from the beginning (5th excavator is rotation A).

Mobs Dropping Steel Fiber

Tyl Regor 25.81%
Crawler 1.14%
Nox 0.58%