Vital Sense: Drop sources, locations, and probabilities
There are many ways to get Vital Sense in Warframe,
but my recommendation for optimal efficiency would be to
try one of these missions (in this order):
- Earth/Coba : It's a Defense mission (level 6-16). The item is dropped on rotation B (8.43%).
- Venus/Romula : It's a Defense mission (level 8-18). The item is dropped on rotation B (8.43%).
- Mars/Kadesh : It's a Defense mission (level 10-20). The item is dropped on rotation B (8.43%).
- Ceres/Seimeni : It's a Defense mission (level 15-25). The item is dropped on rotation B (8.43%).
- Jupiter/Sinai : It's a Defense mission (level 20-30). The item is dropped on rotation B (8.43%).
Missions with a Chance to Get Vital Sense as a Reward
Planet / Mission | Type | Rotation | Probability |
Eris / Oestrus | Infested Salvage | C | 14.29 |
Venus / Romula | Defense | B | 8.43 |
Event: Phobos / Opik | Rush | B | 8.43 |
Europa / Larzac | Defense | B | 8.43 |
Sedna / Sangeru | Defense | B | 8.43 |
Eris / Akkad | Defense | B | 8.43 |
Ceres / Seimeni | Defense | B | 8.43 |
Pluto / Sechura | Defense | B | 8.43 |
Jupiter / Sinai | Defense | B | 8.43 |
Earth / Coba | Defense | B | 8.43 |
Mars / Kadesh | Defense | B | 8.43 |
Mars / Wahiba | Survival | B | 7.14 |
Europa / Valefor | Excavation | B | 7.14 |
Ceres / Draco | Survival | B | 7.14 |
Jupiter / Cameria | Survival | B | 7.14 |
Jupiter / Elara | Survival | B | 7.14 |
Event: Europa / Zagan | Survival | B | 7.14 |
Phobos / Zeugma | Survival | B | 7.14 |
Saturn / Piscinas | Survival | B | 7.14 |
Saturn / Titan | Survival | B | 7.14 |
Event: Europa / Lillith | Excavation | B | 7.14 |
Europa / Paimon | Defense | C | 4.51 |
Saturn / Helene | Defense | C | 4.51 |
Event: Sedna / Camenae | Defense | C | 4.51 |
Jupiter / Io | Defense | C | 4.51 |
Sedna / Hydron | Defense | C | 2.26 |
Kuva Fortress / Nabuk | Defense | C | 2.26 |
Lua / StöFler | Defense | C | 2.26 |
Event: Uranus / Miranda | Defense | C | 2.26 |
Event: Uranus / Bianca | Defense | C | 2.26 |
Uranus / Stephano | Defense | C | 2.26 |
Neptune / Proteus | Defense | C | 2.26 |
Pluto / Outer Terminus | Defense | C | 2.26 |
Eris / Kala-Azar | Defense | C | 2.26 |
Event: Eris / Ixodes | Defense | C | 2.26 |
Duviri / Endless: Tier 4 | Normal | 1.49 | |
Duviri / Endless: Tier 6 | Normal | 1.03 |
Warframe Rotations Explained
- Defense: One reward every 5 waves, following this pattern: AABC.
So, rotation A reward at 5 and 10 waves, B after 15 waves and C for 20 waves.
Then it starts all over again. - Survival: One reward every 5 minutes, following this pattern: AABC.
Rotation A at 5 and 10 minutes, B at 15 minutes, C at 20 minutes, etc. Then it starts all over again (25min is rotation A). - Excavation: One reward after each excavator successfully completed, following this pattern: AABC.
Rotation A for the first two excavators, rotation B for the third and rotation C after four.
Then it restarts from the beginning (5th excavator is rotation A). - Rush: Number of transports destroyed:
- Rotation A: one.
- Rotation B: two.
- Rotation C: all three.
- Infested Salvage: One reward after each successful decryption, following this pattern: AABC.
Mobs Dropping Vital Sense
Ennemy | Probability |
Terra Crewman | 0.1% |
Terra Sniper Crewman | 0.1% |
Terra Plasmor Crewman | 0.1% |
Corpus Power Carrier | 0.05% |
Terra Detron Crewman | 0.03% |
Terra Elite Crewman | 0.03% |
Sap Comba | 0.03% |
Terra Research Crewman | 0.03% |
Nul Comba | 0.03% |
Fog Comba | 0.03% |
Slo Comba | 0.03% |
Vapos Prod Crewman | 0.02% |
Taro Stropha Crewman | 0.02% |
Axio Stropha Crewman | 0.02% |
Prod Crewman | 0.02% |
Orm Stropha Crewman | 0.02% |
Narmer Prod Crewman | 0.02% |
Juno Malleus Machinist | 0.02% |
Vorac Stropha Crewman | 0.02% |