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Kuva: Drop sources, locations, and probabilities


Here are the missions where you can get Kuva in Warframe:

  • Kuva Fortress/Tamu : It's a Disruption mission (level 35-40). The item is dropped on rotations A(100.00%), B (100.00%) and C (95.00%).
Only mission rewards are listed here. Enemy drops are not taken into consideration, there might be more efficient options available in some cases.

Missions with a Chance to Get Kuva as a Reward

Planet / Mission Type Rotation QuantityProbability
Kuva Fortress / Tamu Disruption A 100 100.00
Kuva Fortress / Tamu Disruption B 200 100.00
Kuva Fortress / Tamu Disruption C 350 95.00
Venus / Orb Vallis Bounty (Level 30 - 50) Bounty C 200 33.33
Earth / Cetus Bounty (Level 30 - 50) Bounty C 100 27.59
Earth / Cetus Bounty (Level 15 - 25 Plague Star) Bounty A 100 23.86
- / Hallowed Flame Endurance Caches - A 150 15.18
- / Hallowed Flame Mission Caches - C 225 15.18
- / Hallowed Flame Mission Caches - A 125 15.18
- / Hallowed Flame Mission Caches - B 175 12.65
- / Hallowed Flame Endurance Caches - B 200 12.65
- / Hallowed Flame Endurance Caches - C 250 12.65
- / Sorties Sortie 6000 12.00
Deimos / Cambion Drift Bounty (Level 100 - 100) Bounty A 750 9.09
Deimos / Cambion Drift Bounty (Level 40 - 60) Bounty A 750 9.09
Earth / Cetus Bounty (Level 100 - 100) Bounty C 300 6.09
Earth / Cetus Bounty (Level 100 - 100) Bounty B 300 6.09
Earth / Cetus Bounty (Level 100 - 100) Bounty A 300 6.09
Earth / Cetus Bounty (Level 40 - 60) Bounty C 300 6.09
Earth / Cetus Bounty (Level 40 - 60) Bounty B 300 6.09
Earth / Cetus Bounty (Level 40 - 60) Bounty A 300 6.09
Duviri / Endless: Tier 3 Hard 6000 4.43
Duviri / Endless: Tier 1 Hard 6000 4.43
Duviri / Endless: Tier 4 Hard 6000 4.43

Warframe Rotations Explained

  • (Elite) Sanctuary Onslaught: One reward every 2 zones, following this pattern: AABC.
    So, zone 2 and 4 give rotation A rewards, 6 gives B and 8 gives C.
    Then it restarts from A, etc.
  • Disruption: It's a bit complicated for disruptions, as it depends on the current round.
    Here is a table clarifying what you get for each round:
    Round Conduits
    1 2 3 4
    1 A A A B
    2 A A B B
    3 A B B C
    4+ B B C C

    So, rotation C is only available at round 3 for 4 conduits defended. Or at round 4 and more for a minimum of 3 conduits defended.

Mobs Dropping Kuva

Demolisher Bailiff 100%
Demolisher Heavy Gunner 100%
Demolisher Kuva Guardian 100%
Demolisher Nox 100%

Nightwave Offerings

Kuva can be bought from Nightwave offerings.
Please note that some items in the shop are subject to a 7-day rotation, so this item may not necessarily be available currently.